Episode 8

Invocation of the Rebel Ma by Saoirse Connolly | S6 Ep8

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This week, another episode in our Myth Workers & Culture Makers series featuring an invocation of the divine feminine energy within all of us. Saoirse Connolly offers a blend of Irish language, Irish goddesses, and universal wisdom in service to the ancestors.


Saoirse Connolly is founder and CEO of House of Wild Publishing and the Rebel Ma Rising movement. Saoirse is a two time international bestselling author and publisher, women’s empowerment mentor, international facilitator, voice activator and dream liberator for revolutionary women here to change the world through their soul-led missions. 

Made in Dublin, Ireland she now lives in Bali, Indonesia with her twin flame Darragh and two kids Fiadh and Bodhi. 

You can also work with her 1:1 in her Liberated Woman mentorship program or come play at her annual Her Wild Feminine Leadership Retreat in Bali this July 31st to August 4th 2025. 

Applications are now open to contribute a chapter in the third edition of her bestselling anthology book and collective healing project Rebel Ma - Leading in the Time of the Feminine - Women's Stories of Revolution - publishing in July 2025 with divine feminine art by the legendary Irish artist Dee Mulrooney. 

Instagram: @sessionswithsaoirse or @rebelmarising, Substack, and at rebelmarising.com


  • The way that goddesses associated with specific parts of the Irish landscape connect people from around the globe
  • Saoirse’s own story of being born in Ireland, traveling to live in Australia and Bali, and how her travels have enabled her to come into relationship with her own culture in profound ways.
  • Claiming our rites of passage as women. Her own journey through her days as a maiden, partying and caught up in corporate life, to becoming a mother and stepping into being of service in a new way. 
  • What happens when we remember we have thousands of ancestors rooting for us
  • Following the yogic tradition, but seeking deities who were from her own lineage
  • The powerful influence of Jen Murphy’s work (hear her most recent KnotWork episode Fite Fuaite)
  • Áine Tyrell, an Irish singer songwriter who has devoted herself to the indigenous people of Austraila
  • Mother wisdom needs to rise up within all of us, regardless of gender, regardless of whether one has birthed children. The need for care in all ways right now. 
  • Rebel Ma and Saoirse anthology projects exist to uplift all women, but especially marginalized voices
  • “You don’t want to die with the dance still in you”

Music at the start of the show is by Beth Sweeney and Billy Hardy: billyandbeth.com


  • 1:1 Writing Coaching: If you are working on a spiritual memoir or wellness professional or a creative entrepreneur who wants to use stories to build your business, book a free consultation with Marisa. Learn more at www.marisagoudy.com
  • Learn about our global writing communities, the Authors’ Knot and the Writers’ Knot: www.marisagoudy.com/writing-groups

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KnotWork Myth & Storytelling
Mythology, Folklore, and Culture, from Ireland and Beyond

About your host

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Marisa Goudy

Marisa Goudy is a story healer, a writing coach, and a word witch. Her book, The Sovereignty Knot: A Woman’s Way to Freedom, Power, Love, and Magic, was released in 2020.
Marisa nurtures writers and storytellers in her long-running online writing community, the Sovereign Writers’ Knot.
On this show, Marisa combines her passion for story with her love of Irish literature, culture, and folklore and her fascination with the Celtic world. She has a particular love of stories of heroines, goddess, and women whose tales were forgotten by history.

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