Episode 9

A Feast for the Senses, the Story of La Quaintrelle by Elizabeth des Roches | Ep 9

Our Story

Elizabeth des Roches tells her own story of La Quaintrelle and welcomes you to a gathering of four of the most elegant women you can imagine. This may seem like the stuff of fairy tales, but that doesn’t make this a children’s story. Ultimately, it's about calling in all aspects of the self and celebrating the power of delight and pleasure.

Our Guest

Elizabeth des Roches is a Creatrix, seeker, and entrepreneur who accompanies women as they learn to connect to high frequency energies and openly express themselves in life & business. She nurtures them at key moments in their spiritual evolution & provides beautifully practical ways to make their greatest desires real.

She offers Weave Your World, a transformative private mentorship; performs intuitive Energetic Threads Readings and is writing Creatrix Energetics: An Interactive Sourcebook.

Discover Elizabeth’s world at www.elizabethdesroches.com & sign up to receive her newsletter filled with insights & opportunities.  Follow her on Instagram.

Our Conversation

This story traces elements of Elizabeth's own life, and also speaks to the experience of so many women moving through in their lifetimes. Together, we explore:

  • - How to see the familiar trinity of the maiden, mother, and crone imagery in a new way
  • - How so many stories are about fibers and threads, particularly The Fates who were so powerful when it came to determining life and death
  • - The desire to reframe the stories that show wise, powerful women as ugly. Why do women have to be deformed in the process of creating realities?
  • - Elizabeth's home in Brittany, France where faery and Celtic lore are so present and potent. The tale of Les Lavandières, the three Midnight Washerwomen who wash the shrouds of those who will die.
  • - The gift of the three women in the story: Sovereignty, Love, Trust
  • - A reframe on “luxury”: it’s not a yacht or golden table service. Instead luxury can be as simple as silence or sunshine.
  • - The power of women and the salon across Europe, including in Ireland and France
  • - You may be unfamiliar with the term la quaintrelle: A woman who emphasizes a life of passion expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm, and cultivation of life’s pleasures.

Our Music

Music on the show is by the wonderful Beth Sweeney and Billy Hardy, a Celtic Fiddle and multi-instrumental Duo based on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The traditional Irish reel we play at the start of the show is called The College Groves. Find out about their music and shows at: billyandbeth.com

Connect With Your Own Stories and Work with Marisa

Book a Healing for Heroines session: a unique blend of energy medicine, intuitive guidance, and the language of archetypes and mythology to help you work through the tangles of life so you can weave a new story.

Explore Marisa's work and get a copy of The Sovereignty Knot : www.marisagoudy.com

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for KnotWork Myth & Storytelling
KnotWork Myth & Storytelling
Mythology, Folklore, and Culture, from Ireland and Beyond

About your host

Profile picture for Marisa Goudy

Marisa Goudy

Marisa Goudy is a story healer, a writing coach, and a word witch. Her book, The Sovereignty Knot: A Woman’s Way to Freedom, Power, Love, and Magic, was released in 2020.
Marisa nurtures writers and storytellers in her long-running online writing community, the Sovereign Writers’ Knot.
On this show, Marisa combines her passion for story with her love of Irish literature, culture, and folklore and her fascination with the Celtic world. She has a particular love of stories of heroines, goddess, and women whose tales were forgotten by history.

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